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❤️ Click here: Why do single women cheat with married men

He was very open about it after several conversations. Does it ever bother you why men like married women when they themselves are single? He can't leave his wife because of the kids and how life is miserable and how bad of a wife I am. It ended when I quickly learned that all the things he accused his wife of doing, he did the same.

However, some data point to the possibility that a broken heart after ending it with a married person can be much more difficult to heal than a broken heart after a more traditional relationship. Disrespecting other women is a major no no.

Rise with us daily - Hackers released data from Ashley Madison, a dating site created specifically for married people looking to cheat on their spouses.

I am a 30 year old female and I have wrote before but asked to keep my email private from fb, well this time I want it to be posted on FB. Here goes: When I was 20 years I met this guy at an event. I gave him my number and right after, a friend told me he was married but going through a divorce and this friend was actually talking to his wife so it didn't bother me he was married because they were done with, so I thought. We talked for about 6 months before we actually became intimate Everything was great, we didn't see each other often because he lived an hour away and we were just really busy. One day I called him and the wife answered and she asked why was I calling her husband. I told her everything because I didn't want any problems and I told her I was under the impression you guys were divorcing. I later found out, when we first started talking, they were separated and getting a divorce but he went back. So we didn't talk for months afterwards but eventually begin talking again and I became the side chick. I got into it with the wife so many times through this. I told her, I would beat her ass and I would still fuck her man. I continued and laughed at her and told her she needed to step her game up so he wouldn't have to come to me. I was wrong on so many levels but being 21 by this time, I didn't care, he was still coming over my house like it was nothing. He was telling me he loved me and I loved him as well but he couldn't leave his wife because of his son and he wanted to keep his family together. He said he wished he meet me first because then he wouldn't have to cheat, and the list of blah goes on. Finally we just lost contact and it was over. Finally when I was 24, 2 years after the married man, I meet this man and I was so in love with him, he was everything I wanted and we decided to get married and have a family. The past 6 years of my life, have been a living hell and now that I have seen both sides of it, I can fully see the lies and deceit. My husband has told women the exact same things that I was told by the married. He can't leave his wife because of the kids and how life is miserable and how bad of a wife I am. He even went as far as telling a few chicks, I was a hoe and didn't know who the father of my child was while I was pregnant with our first child. They threaten to stop talking to him because he had a child on the way. Same thing the married man use to tell me about his wife, which finally made me realize they were all lies. The laughing and still fucking my husband. Whenever I have found out about women and the lies, they go off on him and he tells them, I was never going to leave my wife, just said whatever I needed to say to get what I want. So for anyone that thinks a married man will actually leave his wife for you, its so far from the truth. If I could apologize to that man's wife, I would, it still hurts that I even behaved that way. I am truly sorry. Yes, I got what I deserve but no woman deserves to be treated in either manner. My husband and I are currently going through a divorce because I just couldn't take it anymore. I always thought I could change him, if I did this differently, if I changed, he would stop the cheating. Karma is a bitch and its about 10 times worse. My husband has cheated on him with over 100 women chatting on the internet , sex with over 25 women and maybe oral sex from about 35 and he probably couldn't tell you their names. I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers were higher. I have really low self esteem behind the cheating because I always thought, I wasn't pretty that's why he is cheating or I wasn't doing this right. I've wanted to die on some many occasions because the pain was so unbearable. My husband told me one time, if you feel like your life is that unimportant then go ahead and kill yourself. That woke me up. I realized if i wasn't around, he would be the one teaching our 3 girls about life and love and I can't let that happen. He had an ongoing relationship with a chick for 2 years where she would give him head and find girls on the internet to fuck him, he called her, his down as bitch. I confronted her, she didn't even know his real name and was so hurt that he played her. She always thought he would actually leave me for her. She was 19 he was 26 when they met, and when he finished with her, he passed her to his close friend. As I've gotten older, instead of fighting with the chicks, I just let it be known, if you're dating someone and they don't have time for you, then they're not interested or in a relationship If you haven't been to their house, then they are probably in a relationship My husband went as far as telling chicks he lived in a whole different city. If they are constantly texting you and no phone calls then they are probably in a relationship My husband sent over 5000 text messages in one month and only 500 were too me. He got disciplined at work because he was texting too much and we don't text during the day. I can go on for days about the things he has done but I'm healing and I'm looking forward to getting past this. The saying that your man has a commitment to you, not me is a bunch of bull. What about respecting each other because it's the right thing to do. To anyone dating a married man, thinking he is going to leave his wife, let me say this, if it wasn't for me filing for divorce, he would still be with me with never having intentions on leaving me. My husband is currently depressed behind the divorce, he has shut himself off from people including our kids because he is sadden by it. Guess he wasn't ready to lie in the bed he made. I love my husband but I finally love myself more. Also, To bring it back to the married man, years later I found out he had another kid, when I looked into the dates, if I would have kept our baby, he would of had 2 kids 2 months apart, which is why he was so adamant about having an abortion because he already knew his wife was pregnant at the same time. So through all of this, I have learned a few things, married men are off limits no matter how miserable they are within their marriage, if they are that miserable divorce is available to everyone. If it's too expensive, courts allow fee waivers and they accept payment arrangements and you can set the amount. Separated men are off limits because they will most likely go back at some point in time. Cheating is an automatic dismissal if they do it once, they most likely will do it again because you just showed them you are willing to put up with anything. Disrespecting other women is a major no no. I know it's difficult to cut ties with someone you love and care about, trust me, I am dealing with that now, but I pray all the time for God to heal me from this and make me stronger. For him to put his arms around me and give me the will power not to go back. The first day of quitting anything is hard, the 2nd day is a little easier and as the more days go by, it gets even easier. I will no longer be a man's dumping ground!!!

Why do women date married men?
Separated men are off limits because they will most likely go back at some point in u. For others, the game goes on—informed by these widely held opinions. Women are a whole different animal. Look out for her. There are only so many demands a married man can make of his mistress and that is the kind of relationship she is after. U showed 90% of single women polled were interested in a man who they believed was taken, while only 59% wanted him when told he was single. Time may be better spent on a man who is looking for something more than a loveless sexual liaison with multiple partners over several caballeros. And, according to infidelity studies, this will likely happen around year three or four.